The property at 25726 Bay Breeze Drive, Galveston was sold on Sept. 29, 2020 by Kbk 2018 LLC. The property is appraised at $4,300. The buyers were Cason Graye LLC and Cason Graye Homes.
The commercial property at 900 Third Ave., Texas City was sold on Sept. 29, 2020 by Acument Properties Inc.. The property is appraised at $21,870. The buyers were Elvia J Deleon and Elvia J De Leon.
The home at 13 Lakeview Drive, Galveston was sold on Sept. 29, 2020 by Raymond Eugene and Raymond E. and Vivian C. Pinard. The property is appraised at $141,020. The buyers were Raymond Eugene Pinard (co-trustee), Vivian Pinard (co-trustee) and Raymond and Vivian By Co-Trustees Pinard (living trust).
On Sept. 29, 2020, Laguna Harbor LLC, Bluecap Investments LLC (by manager) and Bradley B Manager Ballard sold their property at 1816 Laguna Harbor Estate Blvd., Bolivar Peninsula to Billy P. and Pamela S. Haddox. The property is appraised at $124,430.
On Sept. 29, 2020, Russell and Michelle L. Follis purchased a home at 612 Widgeon Cove, Texas City from Russell Follis. The property is appraised at $185,460.
The home at 5611 Ave. L, Galveston was sold on Sept. 29, 2020 by Arianna R Torres. The property is appraised at $196,530. The buyer was Balbina Aguilar Mora.
On Sept. 29, 2020, Robert Cheek and Yvonne Chatelain purchased a home at 9203 Morningside Drive, Hitchcock from Tyler D. Patterson. The property is appraised at $127,750.
The home at 119 Sixth St., San Leon was sold on Sept. 29, 2020 by Terry Lee Traugott II. The property is appraised at $73,340. The buyers were The Razz Halili Trust By (trustee) and Hajrulla Halili (trustee).
There were 34 businesses in Texas zip code 77568 that had between 10 and 19 employees in 2017, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.
On Sept. 29, 2020, Sandra Diana and Frederick Joseph Beringer purchased a property at 892 Bowers Lane, Bolivar Peninsula from Victor Kenneth Luquette. The property is appraised at $67,880.
On Sept. 29, 2020, Earl W. and Iris A. Mendenhall sold their home at 1226 28th Ave., Texas City to Jessica L. Vasquez. The property is appraised at $91,580.
On Sept. 29, 2020, Carlos Salgado purchased a property at 11836 14th St., Santa FE from Giovanni and Crystal S. Giusti. The property is appraised at $20,690.
The two bedroom, one bathroom home at 2216 Grover Ave., Galveston was sold on Sept. 29, 2020 by Howard J. Morris and Stephen E. Lancaster Jr.. The property is appraised at $102,000. The buyer was Dominic Damion Gonzales.