The DSHS Professional Licensing and Certification Unit consists of 23 regulatory programs. The programs evaluate and issue credentials, administer examinations, monitor continuing education activities, conduct complaint investigations, impose disciplinary sanctions, and otherwise regulate various health professions and related facilities in the State of Texas.
The licenses listed in the table below will expire in June if they are not renewed.
Cosmetology esthetician licenses set to expire in Galveston County during June
Name | License No. | Expiration Date |
Erin Ashley Skufca | 1408538 | Jun. 8 |
Donna M. Flores | 1507490 | Jun. 8 |
Jennifer Harris | 1507498 | Jun. 8 |
Regina Cruz | 1782054 | Jun. 26 |
Sigrid Combs | 1668644 | Jun. 19 |
Ling Wang | 1736746 | Jun. 30 |
Genell Tyler Stanciell | 1406008 | Jun. 25 |
Donna Lee Schwem | 1507422 | Jun. 18 |
Arin K. McLaren | 1539441 | Jun. 12 |
Marilyn Dung Hoang | 1447680 | Jun. 3 |
Son Pha Phuc Nguyen | 1652351 | Jun. 2 |
Ashley Conner | 1782053 | Jun. 20 |
Nieisha M. Hill | 1782062 | Jun. 14 |
Janet Fitzgerald Jackson | 1782064 | Jun. 28 |
Samantha Joy Nielsen | 1782067 | Jun. 21 |
Maegan M. Arredondo | 1712348 | Jun. 28 |
Madison Fattig | 1712358 | Jun. 19 |
Tuyen Thanh Tran | 1420852 | Jun. 23 |
Patricia Emma Johnson | 1507396 | Jun. 8 |
Cristal Rose Gonzalez | 1713226 | Jun. 19 |