The property tax paid for this property in 2018 was $1,881.36. This is 1.89% of the appraised value of the home.
So far in January 2022, 16 properties sold in Texas City.
According to the Texas Secretary of State, Elijah Marquez West has been registered to vote since 2013. Elijah Marquez West has been registered to vote since 2010. Eula Mae West has been registered to vote since 1992.
The Texas Secretary of State data shows that there were nine registered voters residing at 9114 Glacier Ave. as of Oct. 10, 2020: Ricardo Davila, 58, Adriana Vazquez Davila, 59, Elijah Marquez West, 26, Ricardo Martin Davila, 31, Mariah Jewel West, 23, Elijah Marquez West, 48, Eula Mae West, 67, Latosha Moniek West, 41, and Karina Davila, 32.
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